Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I pick up my meals?
APG Strength's location: 225 Molly Walton Dr., Suite A, Hendersonille, TN 37075

Do you offer delivery?
We do not offer delivery at this time, but hope to in future.

Is this a subscription service?
No, you do not have to buy a specific amount each week.

Do you offer Paleo, Whole 30 or vegan options?
While we aim to offer healthy meals, we do not prepare food to specifically fit into certain dietary programs, even though some meals may be acceptable for Paleo or Whole 30. We do offer certain gluten free options. We do not offer vegan options at this time.

When can I order?
The order window is from Tuesday at 12:00 P.M. to Friday at 6:00 P.M for the following week's pickup. This is subject to change.

When do I pick up my meals?
The pickup day and time is Wednesday from 3:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. This day and time is subject to change.